Join Us

Why not support our work by joining Friends of Stocker's Lake?

For only £5.00 a year you will receive six newsletters a year and have the satisfaction of helping conserve this important local nature reserve.

To join FoSL please click on the button below. This will open our Joiner Form in a new tab on your browser. After submitting the form please return to this tab for information on how to make your initial payment and to continue browsing this site.

Payment Options

Membership is £5 per person per calendar year. Donations in addition to this are also very welcome.

There are three payment options:

Bank Transfer: Please make a bank transfer to Account Name: Friends of Stocker's Lake, Sort Code 20-91-79, Account Number 73219968. Use your surname and postcode as the reference.

Annual Standing Order: Please make a Standing Order to Account Name: Friends of Stocker's Lake, Sort Code 20-91-79, Account Number 73219968. Use your surname and postcode as the reference.

New to Stocker’s lake?

Download this Walking Map and Guide to the Reserve.

Click or tap to download map