We always welcome members becoming involved in practical conservation work and we run monthly work parties throughout the year except during the breeding season. Work party programmes vary and can cover all sorts of different activities including scrub clearance, hide maintenance, path repairs and hedge-laying.
If you are interested in joining a work party, or if you simply would like to know more, please contact our Lead Warden, Jack Westbrook.
We are currently also looking for people interested in getting involved in surveys. For more information please follow these links to our recent news article appeals for wildflower surveyors and annual butterfly survey recorders respectively
If interested in other ways of becoming more involved please speak with one of our committee, all of whom are themselves volunteers. Contact details can be found on our Contact page.
For an idea of the scope and scale of FoSL’s work please read this report of FOSL Volunteer hours expended in 2019. Other than the occasional use of contractors all of FoSL’s work is done by volunteers.