See below for web links to local and national environmental organisations associated with FoSL and/or Stocker’s Lake.
Affinity Water - Owner of Stocker's Lake. A water company serving parts of NW London and the Home Counties.
Bat Conservation Trust - a charity and the UK's leading Non-Government Organisation solely devoted to the conservation of bats and the landscapes on which they rely.
British Trust for Ornithology - an independent charity which combines professional and citizen science to inform the public, opinion-formers and environmental policy makers about changes in bird populations
Butterfly conservation - the UK's leading Butterfly conservation charity
Chorleywood Residents Association - a dedicated group of community-spirited volunteers passionate about maintaining the special and friendly character of Chorleywood. Local “Friends” groups, including FoSL, are promoted as part of this.
Cliff Buckton’s Flickr page - an online album of beautiful photos of the lake and its wildlife, some of which also feature on our Gallery page, all taken by FoSL member Cliff Buckton
Colne Valley Regional Park: an umbrella organisation covering Stocker’s Lake and other areas of environmental interest along the Colne valley
Dave Watson’s Gallery page - an online album of beautiful photos of the lake and its wildlife, some of which also feature on our own Gallery page, all taken by FoSL member Dave Watson
Friends of the Withey Beds - a group actively involved in the promotion and enhancement of this local nature reserve situated on the other side of Rickmansworth
Giles Lury personal website – FoSL member Giles Lury captures here his musings and photographs from Stocker’s and other Colne Valley Lakes
Groundwork Trust - a charity which partners with local community groups and provides grants towards creating better, greener places. They partnered with us in the creation of our three cattle meadows.
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust - Manager of Stocker's Lake. One of 47 Wildlife Trusts across the country and the leading voice for wildlife conservation in Hertfordshire and Middlesex. Manager of several nature reserves across the county including Stocker’s Lake
Herts Bird Club - the county's bird club promoting the study and recording of birds in Hertfordshire; a good source of information on recent bird sightings across the county and the place to report any Stocker’s Lake bird sightings of interest
London Natural History Society - organises events and surveys to study all aspects of natural history within 20 miles (32km) of St Paul's
RSPB - the UK's leading bird conservation charity
Rickmansworth and District Residents’ Association - Formed in 1929, a non-profit, secular and non-political organisation, run by volunteers dealing with matters of interest to residents in Rickmansworth Town, Batchworth & Mill End.
Sustainable Three Rivers - a non-profit website that aims to promote local groups and projects linked to sustainability in the Three Rivers Local Authority area
Swan Support - a wildlife rescue organisation which is focused on swans but will rescue any water birds. They respond 24/7, cover our area, and are equipped to rescue from water.
Three Rivers Museum - a small, local (Rickmansworth High Street), volunteer-run museum that supports learning about the heritage and history of the Three Rivers area. It has frequently supported FoSL over the years, e.g. by hosting exhibitions and by selling our wall calendars
Watford local RSPB group - one of circa 175 local RSPB groups organising regular outings, including on occasion to Stocker’s Lake, and evening talks
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust - one of the world’s largest and most respected wetland conservation organisations; works globally to safeguard and improve wetlands for wildlife and people
Wildlife Windows - the organisation we have been using to supply, install and maintain our remotely controlled heron cameras