
This page contains FoSL members’ photos of the reserve and its wildlife. Click on any photo to view it in full screen mode. Our thanks to all who have contributed. Please send any future contributions to

2025 Calendar entries that that are of exceptionally good quality but did not make the final cut

© Simone Vadera

© Kate Tann

© Simone Vadera

© Stephen Edmeades

© Kate Tann

© Stephen Smith

© Giles Lury

© Sue Girvan

© Cliff Buckton

© Cliff Buckton

© Sue Girvan

© Brian Cane

© Christina Bessant

This page contains FoSL members’ photos of the reserve and its wildlife. Click on any photo to view it in full screen mode. Our thanks to all who have contributed. Please send any future contributions to

More pictures from Stocker’s Lake can be found in Cliff Buckton’s Flickr album, Dave Watson’s Stocker’s Lake Gallery webpage or Giles Lury’s personal website.

Also a selection of videos taken at the lake - of nesting Herons and Egrets plus much more - can be be found on FoSL’s YouTube channel. So if you have video footage taken at the reserve which might be suitable for publishing on YouTube please contact our Webmaster.