January 2023

26th - Goldeneye (male), 3 Egyptian Goose, c20 Redwing, 14 Fieldfare, Siskin (male)

21st - Goldeneye (male), 2 Cetti's Warbler (1 seen, both heard), 7+ Redwing, 7 Egyptian Goose

18th - 4 Goldeneye (1 male), 2 Red-crested Pochard (males), 8 Lapwing, 20 Redwing, 2 Fieldfare, Marsh Tit (on feeders in lock keeper's garden)

15th - Firecrest (heard and briefly seen close to boardwalk section); also on Stocker’s Farm - Barnacle Goose

13th - 5 Goldeneye (all together at NE end of lake, 2 drakes), Cetti's Warbler (heard), 14 Red-crested Pochard), 22 Lapwing

9th - 7 Goldeneye, Chiffchaff

7th - Goldeneye, 8 Red-Crested Pochard, Grey Wagtail , 5 Lapwing

2nd - Great Black-backed Gull (from Tern Hide), 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Cetti's Warbler, 3+ Redwing

1st - Great Black-backed Gull (from Kingfisher hide), 5 Goldeneye (2 male and 3 female from Shoveler hide), 10+ Red-crested Pochard (from causeway 9 drakes), Cetti's Warbler (by kingfisher hide, seen and heard)


February 2023


December 2022