Springwell Metal Recycling Ltd – have your say!
You may already be aware that a scrap metal yard, Springwell Lane Metal Recycling ltd., recently established itself adjacent to the reserve at its SW corner. For some time we have been concerned at the likely impacts on Stocker’s Lake wildlife. The known noise pollution is bad enough, but we also have concerns that other, even more serious, forms of pollution may emanate from the site and threaten the local wildlife.
Retrospective planning permission for the operation has now been applied for and that application contains a number of significant inaccuracies. Hillingdon Council’s deadline for commenting on the application is Friday 5th April. So we would encourage you to consider registering an objection before then.
Springwell Metal Recycling viewed from just outside the reserve
For your information, the following are some of the more serious inaccuracies which we have spotted in the application
In answer to "Is your proposal within 20 metres of a watercourse?" they answer “no” whereas at least part of the site is well within 10 metres of the River Colne.
In answer to “Is the site within an area at risk of flooding?" the application states “No” whereas the entire site is within a Flood Zone
Under Biodiversity and Geological Conservation, the form asks: "Is there a reasonable likelihood of the following being affected adversely ... on land adjacent to or near the application site?" A. Protected and priority species; B. Important habitats or biodiversity features.” They answered “no” to both whereas we know that Water Voles have been detected over the last couple of years on the banks of the Colne very close to the site plus there is a reasonable likelihood of waste, spills and pollutants entering the Colne from the site.
Viewed from its front entrance
You will find all of the above on page 10 of the application. You will note other concerns with the application too. However those are some of the major ones.
Location of Springwell Metal Recycling ltd.
In FoSL’s view this vulnerable and sensitive spot in the Colne valley is the wrong location for a metal scrap facility and what is now required of the council is enforcement action, not planning permission!
If you wish to register your objection with Hillingdon Council their planning reference is 35376/APP/2024/282. Here are links to the application form and to the full documentation set respectively:
To register an objection be sure to quote reference 35376/APP/2024/282 and either:
· email applicationsprocessingteam@hillingdon.gov.uk
· write to Planning Services, London Borough of Hillingdon, Civic Centre, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1UW
· comment online at https://planning.hillingdon.gov.uk/OcellaWeb/planningComment?reference=35376/APP/2024/282&from=planningSearch