Live streaming from Stocker’s Lake Heronry
The camera is now zoomed out and showing a general view of the Heronry. Young Herons and Egrets are still around but the breeding season is now essentially over.
Recordings of streams from previous days can however be found on our YouTube channel. Because there is a reliance on solar power, some hours of each day are missing and some dates are missing altogether but otherwise our YouTube channel holds a full set of recordings dating back to early February. most of these are well indexed, using YouTube chapters, making key events, such as the laying of eggs (Herons only), easy to find.
If you missed the early part of the season you may want to watch our highlights video below. This summarises key events streamed from a Grey Heron nest since the start of the season up until April 17th, the date of our 2024 Annual General Meeting. In due course we shall be producing and publishing an updated version which covers the entire season.
Our thanks to Jason Fathers of Wildlife Windows for designing and installing the technology solution.