Sunday 23 June was hot but with a cool breeze. We were fortunately shaded for a good part of the walk by the large trees around the Lake. Nine people (Janet, Christina, Hazel, Jon, Charlotte, Alex, Kate, Rosi and me) enjoyed a 3 hour walk identifying many wildflowers.
Janet Lowndes was our chief identifier with Christina Bressant providing additional information, especially with bird song (blackcap, cetti warbler).
Besides the many wildflowers (almost 100), we found a blackcaps nest which must have fallen from a tree, saw a heron sitting on top of one of the canal barges and another looking for dinner at the weir. The sides of the footpath around the Lake had recently been heavily strimmed and unfortunately this included the area where we would usually see the Common Helleborine. We will keep a watch on this area and look for its hopeful return next year. The list of wildflowers identified is attached. .