
The privacy and security of your personal information is very important to us. Our privacy policy explains how and why we use your personal data to make sure you stay informed. We want you to be confident about giving us your details.

You can also download our Data Implementation policy from here. This explains how in practice we implement our Privacy Policy.

By using our websites, social media pages, or providing your contact information to us you consent to our collection and use of the information you provide in the ways set out in this policy. If you do not agree to this policy please do not use our sites, social media pages or services.

We may make changes to this policy from time to time. If we do so, we will post the changes on this page and they will apply from the time we post them. The current version of the policy is dated May 2021.

This site does not track individual visitors. We record its visitor information in aggregate only and no personal data is retained.